Policies & Notices

Privacy Information

Welcome to the Community Health Options website. Your privacy is very important to us and we will make every reasonable effort to safeguard any information we collect.

Please review our privacy policies. If you have questions regarding these policies, please contact Member Services.

Notice of Privacy Practices
Web Privacy Statement


If a Member requests to cancel his or her Agreement within 10 days after its delivery, Community Health Options will refund any premium charges paid.

After the free look period is over, policies may be terminated with two (2) weeks’ notice by the Member, after which any unused premium funds will be returned.

If Community Health Options cancels coverage pursuant to State and Federal law, with proper notice to the Member and any designated third party, any unused premium funds will be returned.

Website and Portal Terms of Use

Please review the Terms of Use. If you have questions regarding these policies, please contact Member Services at (855) 624-6463.

Terms of Use

Social Media Connections

Community Health Options utilizes various web and social media sites, both to share plan information and for communication with and among its Members. Because we have different categories of Members (including individual, group, and Administrative Services Only, marketplace-based and direct enrollment), the information posted on a given site may not be applicable to all Member categories. We strive to clarify the intended audience for each channel. If you are unsure whether any particular information is applicable to your category of membership, contact Health Options Member Services at (855) 624-6463 or the number on the back of your ID card.

We welcome and encourage open discussion on Community Health Options’ social media sites - including but not limited to our Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube pages. Community Health Options looks forward to any comments, stories and experiences you want to share.

We make reasonable efforts to monitor participation to ensure that you stay on topic, are courteous and avoid making offensive comments. Please remember that information posted on any of our social media platforms shouldn't be considered medical advice and shouldn't replace a consultation with a health care professional.

Please be aware that if you do post something online, there's the potential for thousands of people to read your words, even years from now. As a result, we suggest that you refrain from posting medical information on any of our social media sites and that you not disclose personal identifiable information like your (or that of your dependents’) location, Member ID number, financial information, Social Security Number, etc.

*The full legal version of our Social Media Disclaimer is available below:

Social Media Disclaimer

Information for Developers

Machine-Readable Files

Federal Transparency in Coverage regulations require health insurers and group health plans to provide negotiated rates and allowed amounts for in-network and out-of-network providers, respectively, in the form of machine-readable files (MRF). This pricing information on costs and services are available through the following links:

  • In-Network Rate File provides the rates for all covered items and services between Health Options and all in-network providers.
  • Out-of-Network Rate File-Allowed Amounts provides the rates of all allowed amounts for, and billed charges from, out-of-network providers.
  • Note: These files will be updated monthly.

Notice of Interoperability

For Members: Interoperability in healthcare is the ability for information, in the form of data, to be shared and used between doctors, laboratories, hospitals, pharmacies and the consumer/patient/individual. The goal of interoperability is for health information systems to work together within and across organizational boundaries to improve the effectiveness of healthcare for individuals.

It is important for Health Options Members to know that you control your health-related data sharing through health applications, like exercise trackers, which you must choose to connect through your smartphone, tablet, etc. If you choose not to share your access – your information remains private. You turn data sharing on and off via your health and wellness application on your personal device. If you don’t download an app and turn on permission, nothing changes. See Members/Resources/ FAQs for more information about interoperability (health data sharing).

For Developers: The following documentation is for application developers and is not intended for Members or the general public. Application developers, please use the following link to access API documentation: https://datastream-developer.inovalonone.com/