Health insurance talk can feel like another language. And even for those of us who are fluent in it, there’s still room for confusion! Read on for a crash course in translating health insurance lingo into language you can better understand.
First, there are the words associated with healthcare insurance costs.
Here are a few more words and acronyms that will help you understand and maximize your benefits while keeping costs in check:
This is a lot of words and letters! Still have questions? For quick tips on what to look for, how to get help with, or how to use a health plan, follow @communityhealthoptions on TikTok. Or call us at (855) 624-6463. Our Maine-based Member Services team is happy to help!
Our 2023 Annual Report highlights how Community Health Options is expanding access to healthcare services, whether by adding providers to our behavioral health network, introducing virtual primary care on all plans, offering a new wellness platform or finding ways to trim out-of-pocket costs.
From our founding more than a decade ago until now, we’ve never wavered in our commitment to provide the people of Maine with new healthcare coverage solutions and access to wellness tools.